Thursday, November 27, 2014

Why do you hate me?

Why do you hate me, Why do you hate me? I need to know why you hate me?
Yet, you say you love me, You say how much I deserve, yet, you desert me
Is all that we went through nothing, just a blemish in the wind,
Swaying more away then relishing in the here and now.
God told me to be there if you ever pass by, not abandon the unique link,
which was created. Is this just an illusion, left for dead, to wither under the serpent
One has become two, now that is no more, to the left you lay in wait to my demise
yet all is forgotten, thus banish the thought of a helping hand, extended no more.
Hatred in the air, the fire alit your fingertips, dreaded emotion, under your heel on my throat
this is the end no regard there, so no regard here. extend arm to grapple your fall, yet that is what separates us. Honor and morally correct, I bid you farewell satin, may your soul rest unworried for love does not live there anymore. So sad, to exhaust the depth of a once flourishing bond, at a thought must of be falsified because hate comes so easy to you. Why do you hate me?

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